
This model collects information about your company’s safety metrics and programs. Creating an effective safety culture is critical to proactively mitigate financial consequences, including higher healthcare costs, litigation, and work disruption. By maintaining a safe work environment and promoting a culture of safety, organizations can minimize safety-related expenses and potentially improve productivity along with employee satisfaction and well-being.

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Data Points to Consider

Safety Policies and Procedures

  • Existence, comprehensiveness, and enforcement of safety guidelines.
  • Alignment with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Employee training and education on safety protocols.

Accident and Incident Rates

  • Frequency, severity, and types of accidents or incidents.
  • Comparison with industry benchmarks.
  • Trends over time, indicating improvements or deteriorations in safety standards.

Occupational Health Programs

  • Initiatives focused on employee health and well-being, such as ergonomic adjustments, mental health support, etc.
  • Participation rates and effectiveness of these programs.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Plans and drills for handling emergencies, such as fires, natural disasters, or hazardous material spills.
  • Coordination with local emergency services.

Supply Chain Safety

  • Safety standards within the supply chain, reflecting a comprehensive approach to safety across the business ecosystem.

Employee Engagement and Feedback

  • Mechanisms for employees to report safety concerns or suggestions.
  • Employee satisfaction with safety measures, which can be captured through surveys or interviews.

Third-party Audits and Certifications

  • External evaluations or certifications regarding safety standards, providing an unbiased view of the company’s commitment to safety.

Data in Context

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